Well, times have changed and
Fate Winslow it's definitely happy about it.
Back in 2008, after already been struggling with homelessness, Fate was approached by an a "regular" dude
looking for some marijuana. However, it ended up being an undercover police officer that took him behind bars for life. Yes, you read it, for life!
We can't deny
Winslow had some other stuff on record like burglary and cocaine possession a few years prior, but a life sentence for two bags of weed seem a bit much, right?
Winslow was granted freedom after serving 12 years for marijuana distribution thanks to his attorneys' intense work and the decriminalization of cannabis. However, despite the House of Representatives voted to decriminalize cannabis at the federal level, there isn't an automatic process to expunge marijuana convictions from people in jail, and many states require inmates to file petitions and other bureaucratic steps.
We need to keep our eyes open to over-the-top sentences like this one. Otherwise, you never know when a fellow stoner enjoying a dab pen will go down a rabbit hole of half-way legalizations.
Learn more about Fate Winslow in CNN and Yahoo.