Well, this is a tricky one. The high could last anywhere from 1 to 8 hours, depending on your body and how much you vape.
There are plenty of external and internal factors that will make that number stay in the low or blow up like crazy. Between how much you load your vape pen, the quality of your dab, the amount of THC of the concentrate you are vaping, your body mass, your metabolism, your experience as a dabber (keep in mind that newbies can break any record,) and even if you have eaten will impact how far will you fly.
One thing is clear, though. Dabbing is the best way to quickly feel the effects. As the name states, concentrates are a highly concentrated form of Cannabis. Therefore, have a higher THC content than other forms, so the high is almost instant.
Now, back to the question.
How long do the effects last?
The most accurate way to respond to this is to go for the average. I did some research (You welcome, you lazy bastard!) and according to Drugs and Me, when you smoke Cannabis, the effects will start 2-10 minutes after taking it, and the duration of the high ranges between 2 to 8 hours.
Because vaping involves heating up Cannabis to release THC, doesn’t require any tobacco, the other toxins that appear during combustion are not there, and what you are vaporizing is a concentrated form of Cannabis, the effects will kick in faster (2 to 3 minutes,) and the length of time you will experience the high will likely be in the higher end.
Based on my experience, the peak of the trip typically lasts 1 to 3 hours, though it can linger with “after effects” for up to 5 hours.
As mentioned, Cannabis hits everyone differently. So, if you are just getting started, take it easy, go low and slow. And if you have other plans or responsibilities later, just don’t go overboard and put that dab tool down.
That’s all for today, folks.
If you have any other questions, tag @avid_dabber on Instagram and I will talk about it here.
Stay high!
-The Avid Dabber 🤤🌬️🍃🙃