
Oui Cannabis

Oui Cannabis

The most romantic of Europeans still criminalize Cannabis. Yes, believe it or not, France has some of the harshest cannabis laws in Europe. These guys declared Cannabis illegal in 1970! Weird, right? Pretty much every stoner has a French friend or knows a French guy who got so high that he never got to pronounce his last name correctly. France has the highest reported use of Cannabis in Europe, according to Statista; just over 11% of the French population said they had used Cannabis over the previous year, which is the highest of any European country! Hopefully, things might get...

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Royal weed flies off the shelves. UK's Queen is aiming high!

Royal weed flies off the shelves. UK's Queen is aiming high!

Well, turns out that British are not that reserved! The Queen’s farm shop launch back in January a CANNABIS-infused drink. It flew off the shelves with fair reason

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Criminalization of marijuana is more expensive than legalization

Criminalization of marijuana is more expensive than legalization

The criminalization of marijuana financially burdens taxpayers with and endless prosecutions and incarcerations  of low-level cannabis arrests. On the other hand, legalization creates jobs and opens a new avenue for taxes to come in and support the development of the different states and the country at large.

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