There is no doubt that 2020 has been crazy!
Our current world is rough enough to quickly name a myriad of reasons for wanting to get high. However, even if you have the privilege of living in a country or state where cannabis is legal, that doesn't mean it's socially acceptable in all circles.
There are still plenty of situations that inspire us to want to keep our consumption on the down-low. Family-friendly environments and professional affairs are just 2 of the most common moments when we want a hit but don't crave to smell to marijuana.
That's when getting it on the go in a discreet manner, jumps to the top of the priorities list.
I know that for many, smoking is still their preference, and as always, my recommendation is to stay with what works for you. But, life happens! Despite the glamour normalization and social acceptance of cannabis has brought, there are times where you just can't take out your joint.
Vape, my friend, vape!
Vape pens are the best way to stay under the radar and still taste your favourite strain.
Vaporizers tend to be small and handy, hitting the spot for your tactful goals. Plus, it's well known that vaping concentrates produces a more restrained smell than combusting weed, and the fragrance and clouds disperse faster, which prevents the tang from sticking to your cloth and hair so badly.
StoneSmiths’ SLASH, for example, is a luxury look vape pen with an excellent reputation for flavour purity and easy-to-use experience. BTW, to top off on its quality, it includes a slick silicone concentrate container to carry a bunch of your favourite dabs—what about that for a thoughtful touch!
A dab pen will help you deal with those moments when rolling is not possible, and edibles or other ingestion tricks just won't fly.
Stay high.
-The Avid Dabber 🤤🌬️🍃🙃
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